bingo tile
Zoom (advanced registration required. registration deadline 11/11)
Friday, Nov 13, 2020 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Let's have some fun! It's a club BINGO game!

We need a little more fun mixed into our weekly meetings and club business. This week we are going to play some BINGO!


Here's how it will work: 

  • You must advance register. The deadline to do so is Wednesday, 11/11. 
  • Register as usual through the Zoom link 
  • Everyone who has advanced registered will receive two (2) BINGO cards. 
  • Want more BINGO cards? Too bad ... this is free and fair! ;)
  • On Thursday 11/12 check your email! You will receive instructions on how to retrieve your cards and participate in Friday's game. 

On Friday - we will play as many games as the club meeting time will allow us. You will use the same BINGO cards for each game.

We'll have some commercial breaks to accomplish club business ... but mostly we'll have fun. 



Winners will win prizes! Each game winner will receive a great prize!