Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.
Program Sponsorship
Weekly Meetings / Average Attendees: 75
Cost: $250
- Logo on Powerpoint slide as Program Sponsor
- Recognition in the El Rodeo newsletter with a link to your company on the LA5 website
- An opportunity to do a company pitch or presentation of your choice at the program you sponsor
- Verbal acknowledgement and thank you from the LA5 President during the meeting
Corporate Sponsorship
Cost: $2,500
- Prominent logo placement on the LA5 website
- Prominent logo placement in our meeting slideshow each week
- Recognition in the El Rodeo newsletter each week
- Verbal acknowledgement and thank you from the LA5 President each week during the meeting
El Rodeo Sponsorship
Weekly Email Marketing / Average Reach: 2,250
Cost: $50
- Logo on Powerpoint slide an El Rodeo Sponsor
- Recognition in the El Rodeo newsletter with a link to your company on the LA5 website (small pitch or ad ok)
- Verbal acknowledgement and thank you from the LA5 President during the meeting
LA5 Directory Sponsorship
Annual Printed Directory for all Members / Reach: 200
Cost: $50 - $750
- Tab Page Roster Ad ($750 includes FREE website ad)
- Full Page Roster Ad ($500 includes FREE website ad)
- Half Page Roster Ad ($250)
- Third Page Roster Ad ($150)
- Website Ad ($50)