Tiffany Rollins

by: Tiffany Rollins

It is without a doubt that the last year of our collective experience has made a monumental impact on each of us and the way we view our place in the world. As we transition into a state of openness in our local communities, I look forward to spending time with my fellow Rotarians in person again. Although we have not been together in what feels like far too long, we have adapted to change with grace, working hard to strengthen our bond as a Club. For this, we should be proud. As the doors of society begin to fully re-open and we step into our new normal, may we take a moment to reflect on the ways we as individuals and as a Club can be more “open.” How can we open our arms wider to friendship and service above self? How can we be more open to the world and people around us on a daily basis? In what ways can we be more open to the adventures of life? Where can we be more open to change and to growth? I encourage us to live each single day in gratitude, knowing now more than ever how quickly life can change. I challenge each of us to engage in deeper exploration of the parts of ourselves that have emerged, whether triumphantly or begrudgingly, through the chaos of the last year. I urge us to shine light on where we have grown as individuals and as a Club. I hope we allow ourselves to look back on this time as a testament to the strength of the Rotarian spirit, bringing us closer together through grace and compassion than ever before.

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